Disposable Belted Undergarments
Simply put, Belted diapers and incontinence shields can save you a significant amount of money over other kinds of incontinence products. We have incontinence shields as low as $0.45/pad vs. comperable products at over $1.00+ apiece. Disposable belted incontinence shields have always been a top seller for the active individual dealing with moderate forms of urinary incontinence, but costlier absorbent underwear type products can cost over $1.15 each - If you use 4 changes/day you'll be saving over $1,000/year! Belted diapers are still a great value-buy, and are extremely comfortable and easy to use. They are a good substitution for regular underwear for the incontinent indivudual and prefered more by women with stress and urge incontinence. We carry belted incontinence pads by Prevail, Tena (see video) and Attends and consider them to be some of the best belted incontinence shields on the market.